Sickness and Accident Disability Income Plan


PROTECTS your most valuable asset...your ability to earn an income. PROVIDES an income...when you are disabled due to a sickness or accidental injury on or off the job. PAYS cash benefits directly to you...when you are disabled.


  • Covers You ON or OFF the Job 24 Hours Per Day

  • Provides 1st Day Coverage for Accidents and your choice of either 15th Day or 31st Day for Sickness

  • Pays in Addition To All Other Insurance (Including Workers Compensation)

  • Issued thru age 69

  • Other Benefits Include: $1,000 Hospital Confinement, Broken Bones, Dislocations, ICU, X-Rays, Medical Equipment

  • Includes an annual wellness benefit of $50

  • Can Take Plan With You If You Leave Your Present Employer