Whole Life Insurance
* View brochure for specific coverage details
A guaranteed premium, guaranteed level death benefit, guaranteed value, whole life insurance policy. Issued through age 75.
The wisdom in purchasing life insurance is to help provide financial security in a number of situations. Young families rely on life insurance proceeds to maintain their lifestyle if a parent dies prematurely. Established families and single parents alike can appreciate how life insurance can help safeguard a child 's future or pay off a mortgage. Those in their pre-retirement and retirement years - even without financial dependents - usually have some financial obligations, anticipated final expenses or charitable giving intentions that can be satisfied through life insurance benefits.
Additionally, life insurance proceeds are payable immediately instead of passing through an estate and in most cases no federal income taxes imposed. It all adds up!
A whole life insurance policy is a great choice for those with long-range goals. This coverage offers the certainty of a guaranteed death benefit amount, accumulation of cash value and premium payments that will not increase. Unlike term life insurance, whole life is permanent and will continue providing coverage even as age increases or health conditions decline.
Whole life insurance has a cash value component that will accumulate over time and is a key benefit of owning a whole life insurance policy. With whole life, it’s possible to borrow against some of the cash value in your policy if the need should arise. You also have the option to stop paying premiums and take a “paid up” policy for a lesser amount.
The Accelerated Death Benefit is included and pays fifty percent (50%) of the Policy Face Amount up to a maximum of $ 100,000 and becomes payable to the policy owner when the insured person is diagnosed with a terminal illness. When the insured person dies, the remainder of the death benefit is paid to the Beneficiary, just as under a traditional life insurance policy. Terminal Illness is defined as a non-correctable medical condition, which will result in the death of the Insured within twelve (12) months or less.